Three entities of the ship repair sector of Piraeus spoke about unthinkable and delinquent behavior of the Piraeus Port Authority (COSCO) during the online information they provided about their problems, to MPs representing A ‘and B’ Piraeus districts.

MPs I. Tragakis, D. Markopoulos, I. Melas (N.D.), T. Dritsas, T. Alexiadis, G. Ragousis, N. Kasimati (SYRIZA) and F. Bakadima (Day 25) participated in the online briefing, as did through his representative/advisor MP Mr. Nikos Manolakos. Advisors of the above deputies also participated.

In their joint announcement, the Association of Shipbuilding Industries (SENAVI), the Association of Perama Shipyard Owners of  (S.I.N.P.) and the Association of Craft Employers of Piraeus (ENO.MICH.PE.) , who organized the web meeting, noted that the MPs were informed about a number of problems they are facing, because of PPA / COSCO, such as abusive charges, violations of the provisions of the Concession Agreement, major failures in the maintenance of infrastructure in ship repair areas and huge lack of sanitation infrastructure for hundreds of ship repair workers amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Presidents of the three bodies, Messrs. Vassilis Kanakakis, Theologos Katsoulakis, and Fotis Prasinos also pointed out that “the real behavior of COSCO is delinquent and colonialist”. It operates as a “state within a state” and not only does it not promote competition, as required by the Concession Agreement (paragraph 11.3), but instead “abuses its dominant position and implements practices of unfair competition”. COSCO is trying to hide this “face” …  through cheap grants of bicycle paths, playgrounds and “candles” with photos next to local or government officials, on Easter eve, the announcement added.

The common bottom line for the ship repair entities is the unconditional observance by COSCO of the Concession Agreement and of the Greek & EU Legislation and of course the continuous checks by the competent state bodies, the three entities of the ship repair sector noted.

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