The total number of registered unemployed persons, based on job search (job seekers), for the month of April 2021, amounted to 1,055,454 people, as shown by the latest State Employment Agency OAED statistics.

Of the total unemployed, 570,636 (54.07%) are registered in the OAED rolls for a period equal to or more than 12 months and 484,818 (45.93%) are registered in the OAED rolls for a period of less than 12 months. There were 382,161 men ( 36.21%) and  673,293 women ( 63.79%).

The total number of registered others (non-job seekers), for the month of April 2021, amounted to 43,559 people. There were 13,513 men ( 31.02%) and women to 30,046 (68.98%).

The total of the subsidized unemployed, for the month of April 2021, (concerns the number of beneficiaries paid within the respective month) amounts to 217,604 persons (20%), of which 117,193 (53.86%) are regular and others categories of subsidized and 100,411 ( 46.14%) are seasonal tourism professionals. 93,639 were men (43.03%) and 123,965 women  (56.97%).

Of the total subsidized unemployed 99,113 (45.55%) are regular, 3,374 (1.55%) are construction workers, 100,411 (46.14%) are seasonal tourism professions, 13,616 (percentage 6.26%) are seasonal others (rural), 1,009 (0.46%) are teachers, and 81 (0.04%) are others.

Compared to the previous month of March, registered unemployed persons showed a slight decrease by 2.85% while those subsidized decreased by 15.12%.

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