A tribute to the sailing and naval tourism of Greece is hosted by Bloomberg.
According to the author of the article, the official opening of Greek tourism on May 14 gives the opportunity to anyone interested in visiting Greece and experiencing exciting moments of adventure o the Greek seas, only on the condition of a negative PCR test. However with 10,000 miles of coastline and 6,000 islands in total of which 227 are habitable, you need to be well prepared before starting the trip to Greece.
The tribute then “maps” the attractions of maritime tourism and praises the ever popular Cyclades, the authentic Dodecanese, the refreshing Northern Sporades, the special islands of the Saronic Gulf and the verdant Ionian Islands.
Among other destinations, the reputable travel writer distinguishes quality options such as Patmos and Alonissos. “Patmos offers the traveler peace of mind and tranquility, that is, all the elements that are required in our time. The incomparable natural beauty, the lacy shores, the acceleration of the vaccination process on the island, the quality of services and the Unesco World Heritage Sites such as the Holy Cave of the Apocalypse, are components of our international campaign, which is growing daily, notes the mayor of Patmos, Lefteris Pentes.
“Achieving significant vaccination rates in Alonissos, we are heading safely towards a new tourist season. The modern traveler is looking for high added value to his vacation. For this purpose and with absolute respect for the ecosystem and the natural environment, we have unique features such as the largest natural water park in Europe and the first underwater museum in Greece “, says the mayor of Alonissos, Petros Vafinis.
Source: AMNA
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