European Stability Mechanism (ESM) Managing Director Klaus Regling received Greek Finance Minister Christos Staikouras in Luxembourg on Wednesday, a day ahead of Thursday’s Eurogroup, with the meeting later described as “very constructive”.“Greece has come a long way in the last decade and its economy can again grow strongly after the challenging circumstances of the Covid-19 crisis,” Regling said afterwards.

On his part, the Greek minister said the thrice bailed out country “has managed the public health crisis and its repercussions on the economy and society to the best of its abilities, something recognized around the world.”

Staikouras underlined that approval of a national recovery and resilience plan — dubbed Greece 2.0 — along with a series of recent positive economic and financial developments generate optimism that a strong recovery and high, sustainable growth in the post-Covid-19 period is realistic.

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