Many important films of Greek cinema, of inestimable cultural value, were saved from disaster following the timely intervention of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Hellenic Cinema Center.

Reels of top Greek films were endangered

About 500 reels, including Greek films such as “The meadow that cries” by Theodoros Angelopoulos, “The fruit trees of Athens” by Nikos Panagiotopoulos, and “Crystal Nights” by Tonia Marketaki, have been rescued and are now in the hands of the Hellenic Cinema Center , in order to make a detailed record and then to proceed competently with the procedures provided for their digitization.

The chemical leak occurred last Saturday

The films were located in the historic building on Chiou Street no. 53 in Metaxourgeio, which used to house Finos Film, and film and video workshops. On Saturday, July 24, there was a chemical leak in the building, with the result that there was an immediate risk of the loss of important cinematic works of our audiovisual cultural heritage.

The ministry to the rescue

As soon as the relevant information became known, the Deputy Minister of Culture and Sports, in charge of modern culture, Nikolas Giatromanolakis, mobilized the Hellenic Cinema Center in order to rush to the spot, to collect and transport the relevant material to a safe location.

With the consent of the representative of the owners of the building and after the relevant approval by the Fire Brigade regarding the safe access to the building, under the supervision of the President and the General Manager of the Hellenic Cinema Center,  Markos Holevas and Pantelis Mitropoulos, the collection and transfer of materials began on Saturday afternoon, and was completed on Monday, July 26.

On the occasion of the relevant events, the Deputy Minister of Culture and Sports, in charge of contemporary culture, Nikolas Giatromanolakis, said: “Considering the hundreds of films we have saved, an integral part of the history of Greek cinema, one feels awe at their cultural value, but also terror at the thought that an important part of Greek cinema was for years in danger of total loss or destruction.”

The Hellenic Cinema Center stood up to the circumstances as the custodian of Greek cinema, and acted directly and effectively in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Sports, preserving these materials of cinematic cultural heritage. But the work that needs to be done does not end here, on the contrary, it is just beginning. Together with the Hellenic Cinema Center and utilizing the resources we secured as the Ministry of Culture from the Recovery Fund for Contemporary Culture, we will implement a series of projects in order to highlight Greek cinema and its creators, as they deserve.”

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