The Mitsotakis government on Monday showcased its latest business understanding with a multinational giant by announcing a preliminary agreement between the Greek state and Amazon Web Services.

The MoC covers the sectors of telecoms, space technologies and industry, as well as vocational training and even policy dealing with space, and comes more than a month after Amazon founder Jeff Bezos spent a part of his summer holiday sailing in the Aegean and even meeting Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis at a dinner party hosted by Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson at their Antiparos isle holiday home.

The MoC was signed by Digital Governance Minister Kyriakos Pierrakakis and Development & Investments Minister Adonis Georgiadis, on the part of Athens, and Amazon’s general director for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Cameron Brooks, for the online retail giant.

The agreements details financial and technological initiatives revolving around the creation of a regional space hub in Greece, billed as a wide-ranging “digital incubator”.

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