Kyriakos Mitsotakis sent a message of optimism on the occasion of today’s celebration of the 15th of August. The Prime Minister sent his wishes to everyone, while he made special reference to the fires that “swept” the country and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

The Prime Minister’s statement in detail:

“This year, August 15, justifies its double celebration as never before. Because as the Mother of the world, the Virgin Mary offers us hope. While as a Champion, she arms us with courage in the face of two global trials: the peak climate crisis and the pandemic that remains threatening.

Especially these days, our thoughts are with our fellow citizens who have been hit by the recent fires. Wealth and nature were lost. But lives were saved. They are the ones who will give life to everything again. Because, as we have proved, when Greeks unite we can turn every ending into a new beginning.

Difficulties exist to teach us and make us better. But also to augment our resolve. The State knows, can and will rebuild what was demolished. With the active citizens next to it, allies in the reconstruction of the country. But also healthy, with the shield of the vaccine before autumn.

We welcome the great celebration of the country, faithful to its message. We draw new strength from the roots of tradition. And we renew our hope for tomorrow, making the present of our homeland better and better. Happy birthday to every Greek woman and every Greek man “.

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