Giannis Antetokounmpo and his family were welcomed by the President of the Republic, Katerina Sakellaropoulou, one day after the naturalization of Veronica and Emeka – Alex Antetokounbo – that is, his mother and brother – as Greek citizens.

The President of the Republic welcomed them in the Garden of the Palace where they had a chat in front of the cameras, with the “Greek Freak” saying that “we were always Greeks and just yesterday a stamp was inserted”.

“I am happy for the celebration that took place, you are Greeks and you have proved it and now we have you and your mother Veronica here,” said Ms. Sakellaropoulou, emphasizing that the Greek forward is an excellent role model for young children.

“Like me as the first female President, I am a role model for girls, and you are a role model for young children who have your photos in their rooms. It is a weight but it is also important and you state it with your ethos and presence. “With the love for your homeland and your family and your offer to those in need,” she said characteristically.

Giannis: We would always come back here even if we did not get the passports

Leaving the Presidential Palace, Giannis Antitokoumbo spoke to reporters. “It is our honor to be here and yesterday when we went to the Prime Minister. If anyone ever told us that with hard work after years we would sit next to talk to the first woman President, I would tell you that it was a lie.

“I’m not moved, I’m trying to hold on, but I’m thinking and remembering all these years how it was… Why I grew up with Nigerian parents who came to Greece in 1990, sacrificed for their children for 25 years and sent us to a Greek school and then we were illegal they were afraid to stay on the street. They gave us Greek principles and Greek culture.

“We did not see the future, we were children… After eight years (when got the Greek passport) with hard work and dedication we are here and I met the first woman President in Greece, she listened to us, she told us her story . My mother and brothers were always Greeks, yesterday they just got their passports. And even if they had not gotten them, we would always return here, this is our homeland.”

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