A circular of the Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy, Giorgos Amyras facilitates the process of pruning, clearing, care, felling and removal of trees in gardens, yards, olive groves, vineyards, agricultural or arboricultural areas and are weak, cachectic, old or have a dangerous slope with the risk of falling, as well as those near houses and other buildings. This regulation concerns private non-forest areas outside settlement boundaries.

According to the announcement of the Ministry of Environment, “the many and often extreme phenomena that cause natural disasters, but also the will to fight bureaucracy create the need for a new framework of directives for arboriculture.”

The purpose of the circular is to prevent disasters, in cases of severe weather events, such as windstorms, snowstorms, hailstorms, snowstorms, as well as to avoid outbreaks or the spread of fire.

These trees can be technically planted or native and as long as they are available for marketing, they are transported with the relevant approval of the forest authority.

Citizens proceed with the implementation of the works, after first requesting and informing the Forest Authority by e-mail, by post or by hand, which if it does not respond within 20 days, is considered to havegiven  tacit consent.

The Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy, Giorgos Amyras stated: “We all know that cutting, pruning and even cleaning trees that were in our yard or in some other area was a process of suffering, while there was often a risk of major damage from extreme natural phenomena. as well as for the spread of fires. We are simplifying the procedures for the benefit of both the citizens and ultimately the natural environment, putting aside bureaucracy “.

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