The conclusion of a program contract for the energy bioclimatic upgrade of the building of the “Dimitra” center  of Chania was signed by the Regional Governor of Crete Stavros Arnaoutakis in Chania.

The contract is between the Region of Crete which is financing the contract (64,000 euros), the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAIC) and the Technical University of Crete for the elaboration of a research program for the creation of the first Mediterranean “green” regional seed bank. It was co-signed by the director of MAIC George Baourakis and the Rector of the Technical University of Crete Evangelos Diamantopoulos.

The Region of Crete with the program contract is going to contribute to the elaboration of a research program for the energy and building upgrade of the building of the DIMITRA center of Chania, which was granted by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food to MAIC for the relocation of the infrastructure of Mediterranean Plant Conservation Unit.

The proposed innovative interventions, in addition to the creation of an internationally important infrastructure, will contribute to the safer preservation of collections of important phytogenetic resources of Crete, to reduce the operating costs of the MAIC SEED BANK, to expand the educational and informational activities of exploitation of indigenous plant diversity, in collaboration with the MAIC Mediterranean Plant Conservation Unit and the implementation of the National Strategies for Biodiversity and Climate Change, the legislation on Phytogenetic Resources, as well as the relevant international conventions that Greece has included.

Implementing body will be the Technical University of Crete and the research team consists of the following members: Mandalaki Maria, Architect Engineer, Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Scientific Officer. Vazakas Alexandros – Theocharis, Architect Engineer, Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Principal Investigator. Stavrakakis Georgios, Electrical-Mechanical Engineer, Professor of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

The total duration of the Program Contract is 24 months and the execution schedule of its object is estimated at 12 months, increased by 12 months, concerning the required audits and approvals.

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