It was a time of unbridled joy for the contender of internet communication. Yesterday’s lengthy crash on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, brought smiles to Viber. According to Anna Znamenskaya, Chief Growth Officer of Rakuten Viber, “Viber has seen a fivefold increase in the number of activations, reaching a tenfold increase in peak hours. We also had a 75% increase in the number of messages and a doubling of the number of calls “.

Yesterday, in the afternoon, the users of the three platforms in Greece found that it was impossible to connect. However, this phenomenon, as it turned out, concerned hundreds of millions of users of the services worldwide, and it became the biggest blackout in the history of Facebook, as the platform was out of commission for almost 7 hours.

This, in addition to causing problem to users, apparently led them to seek other alternatives.

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