Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis unveiled the latest “blueprint” for the coming decades, this time called “Greece 2040”, complete with what he called “6+1” axes for the future.

The pro-reform and pro-business Greek premier revisited his government’s pledge to reduce the country’s dependence on fossil fuels with a “dynamic turn” to “clean” energy.

He also cited the oft-repeated need for a “rejuvenation” of the Greek industrial and manufacturing sector, along with a transformation of the primary production sector in tandem with protection of biodiversity and high-quality foodstuffs linked with tourism and exports.

Additionally, he pointed to the ongoing “tech revolution” in the world, saying the widespread use and promotion of the apps and platforms show the future.

A fifth axis he cited is education and vocation training, while the sixth is geo-political developments worldwide and in the region.

In closing his address at the old Parliament building, Mitsotakis said one of the biggest challenges now facing the nation is demographic decline.

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