Statistics on the work of Notaries in the year 2020 were published by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT). The data come from an annual survey conducted by ELSTAT through the completion of a statistical table by all notaries in the country in collaboration with the Notarial Associations. The coverage of the research amounts to 95.5%.

In particular, in 2020 the notarial transactions carried out amount to 619,944 compared to 919,258 in 2019, a decrease of 32.6%.

From the analysis of the data of the last decade, there is a decrease of operations from 787,664 transactions in 2011 to 619,944 transactions in 2020, a decrease of 21.3%.

As for the individual items of notarial deeds, the only increase observed for 2020 compared to 2019 concerns the category “Loans” by 72.4%, which, however, holds a small percentage in the total of notarial deeds (293 deeds in 2020, 170 in 2019).

There is a decrease of 22.6% in real estate sales (74,769 transactions in 2020, 96,662 transactions in 2019).

It is clarified that the purchase and sale of real estate refers to the transactions of real estate transfers (a contract may concern more than one real estate or a share / s of real estate).

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