The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate stood at 13% in September.

According to the data of the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT), the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in September 2021 amounted to 13% compared to 16.5% in
September 2020 and 13.9% in August 2021.

The data

Employees amounted to 4,081,787 people, an increase of 140,839 people compared to September 2020 (+ 3.6%) and 8,177 people compared to August 2021 (+ 0.2%).

The unemployed amounted to 609,501 people, a decrease of 169,335 people compared to September 2020 (-21.7%) and 45,571 people compared to August 2021 (-7.0%).

The number of people not included in the workforce, or “people outside the workforce”, ie people who are not working or looking for work, amounted to 3,164,361, a decrease of 4,147 people compared to September 2020 (-0, 1%) and an increase of 34,792 people compared to August 2021 (+ 1.1%).

For women, the unemployment rate fell to 16.9% from 20.3% in September last year and for men to 9.8% from 13.4%.

In large age groups, in the 15-24 age group, unemployment stood at 28% from 29.5% in September 2020 and in the 25-74 age group at 12.2% from 15.7%.

It is pointed out that, during the month of September, the labor market was affected by the application of special operating rules in companies as well as by the implementation of measures for the protection of public health and the treatment of the COVID-19 pandemic, throughout the country.

These measures affected, in addition to the normal functioning of the market, the way in which research data were collected.

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