From Monday night, the wave of bad weather is spreading throughout the country, with the main characteristics of the storms and the drop of the temperature, while the heavy rain that hit Attica yesterday, caused serious problems in various areas, just as the severe weather front Ballos did last month.

The Fire Brigade was constantly receiving calls for water pumping from basements and ground floors of houses.

The areas that seem to have been most affected so far are Moschato, Kallithea, Tavros, Palaio Faliro and the area of ​​Renti, from where the Fire Brigade had received almost 90 calls by midnight (according to the official announcement) from of which 19 calls for transporting drivers to safe places.

Floods and closed roads

Due to the heavy rain and the flooded roads, the traffic was stopped in Poseidonos Avenue, at the height of the Faliro Delta, in the flow of traffic towards Syggrou Avenue and in the side street of Kifissos Avenue, in the stream towards Piraeus Street, from the height of G. Papandreou Avenue, while it was restored shortly before 1 p.m. the traffic on Petrou Ralli Street that had been stopped from Agias Annis Street, downstream to Kifissos Avenue.

There was a problem once again under the bridge on the beach, where a month ago there was a bus stranded for more than two days, with its passengers forming a “chain” in order to get out.

At Renti’s market, 4 people were trapped in a car, with the Fire Brigade intervening to help them.

In coastal Poseidonos Avenue, at the point where the road divides, it is closed to the current to Syggrou, as the water level is very high and there is mud.

Dozens of calls to the fire department

As announced by the Fire Brigade, the Operations Center received 83 calls, in the greater area of ​​Piraeus, Kallithea and Paleo Faliro:

* In the area of ​​Moschato – Tavros, 46 calls, of which 35 were for water pumping and 11 for transporting people to safe places.

* In the area of ​​Kallithea, 32 calls, 26 for water pumping and 6 for transporting people to safe places.

* In the area of ​​Paleo Faliro, one call for pumping water and another for transporting people to a safe place.

* In the area of ​​Agios Ioannis Rentis, one call for water pumping and 2 for transporting people to safe places.

Of the 20 calls for the release of people, firefighters had to intervene in four, while in the remaining cases the detainees managed to evacuate alone or with the help of other citizens.

Increased readiness

The announcement of the Fire Brigade points out that the operational plan for dealing with risks from the occurrence of floods as well as their accompanying phenomena remains in implementation.

It is also stressed that the Fire Services of the areas where the phenomena are expected to grow remain in a state of increased readiness and further escalation, if necessary, with the dispersal of personnel and vehicles in order to deal immediately with any problems.

The Fire Brigade appeals to the citizens to be especially careful and in case of dangerous weather phenomena to follow the instructions of the authorities faithfully.

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