Extremely targeted and sensible measures to support companies that were hit above average due to Omicron, were announced by the Minister of Development Adonis Georgiadis, speaking on SKAI TV .

As he said, there are sectors with a turnover reduction of more than 50% that will be supported both through the NSRF and through the state budget.

The Minister of Development stressed that “we are not going to a new general support barrage” as 2022 is a year in which the deficit must be “tidied up” and therefore the management of finances must be correct.

On the occasion of the attack of Pavlos Polakis on the Minister of Health Thanos Plevris for the waiting of his mother in the hospital, Mr. Georgiadis stated that he should occupy the president of SYRIZA Alexis Tsipras, because if in a society you leave the pit uncontrollably, in the end it infects and clean water.

Especially for Mr. Polakis, he said that he insulted Thanos Plevris, while he himself revealed that “he did not take her to get the third dose of vaccines”.

“He has left his mother without a third dose and is cursing us. We are talking about terrible things,” said the Minister of Development and reiterated that, unfortunately, with Tsipras’s responsibility, this toxicity is spreading to Greek society.

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