The Hellenic Statistical Authority announced the Turnover Index in Industry with base year 2015=100.0 for November 2021, the evolution of which on the basis of provisional data, is as follows:

The Overall Turnover Index in Industry (both Domestic and Non-Domestic Market) in November 2021 recorded an increase
of 39.4% compared with the corresponding index of November 2020. The Overall Turnover Index in Industry in November
2020 decreased by 2.2% compared with the corresponding index in November 2019.

The Overall Turnover Index in Industry in November 2021, compared with October 2021, recorded an increase of 4.3%

The average Overall Turnover Index in Industry for the 12-month period from December 2020 to November 2021 increased
by 22.9%, compared with the corresponding index of the 12-month period from December 2019 to November 2020. The
average Overall Turnover Index in Industry for the 12-month period from December 2019 to November 2020 decreased by
10.8% compared with the corresponding index of the 12-month period from December 2018 to November 2019.

Evolution of the Overall Turnover Index in Industry in November 2021

I. Annual changes of the Overall Turnover Index in Industry: November 2021/ November 2020

The 39.4% increase in the Overall Turnover Index in Industry in November 2021, compared with the corresponding
index in November 2020, was due to the following:
1. Changes in the sub-indices of the industrial sections:

  •  The Turnover Index in Manufacturing increased by 39.9%. The increase was mainly the result of the annual
    changes of the sub-indices in the following 2-digit divisions: coke and refined petroleum products, wearing
    apparel, basic metals, chemicals and chemical products.
  • The Turnover Index in Mining and quarrying decreased by 1.7%. The decrease was mainly the result of the
    annual change of the sub-index in the following 2-digit divisions: mining of coal and lignite – extraction of crude
    petroleum and natural gas – mining support service activities.

2. Changes in the sub-indices in Domestic and Non-Domestic Markets:

  •  The Turnover Index in Industry in Non-Domestic Market increased by 51.6% .
  •  The Turnover Index in Industry in Domestic Market increased by 32.4%

II. Annual changes of the Turnover Index in Industry in Domestic Market: November 2021/ November 2020

The 32.4% increase of the Turnover Index in Industry in Domestic Market in November 2021, compared with November
2020, is due to the annual changes in the sub-indices of the following industrial sections (Table 2):

  • The Turnover Index in Manufacturing increased by 32.6%. The increase was mainly the result of the annual
    changes of the sub-indices in the following 2-digit divisions: wearing apparel, coke and refined petroleum
    products, basic metals, chemicals and chemical products.
  • The Turnover Index in Mining and quarrying increased by 4.8%. The increase was the result of the annual change of
    the sub-index in the following 2-digit division: other mining and quarrying products.

III. Annual changes of the Turnover Index in Industry in Non-Domestic Market: November 2021/ November 2020

The 51.6% increase of the Turnover Index in Industry in Non-Domestic Market in November 2021, compared with
November 2020, was due to the following:

1. Changes in the sub-indices of the industrial sections (Table 3):

  • The Turnover Index in Manufacturing increased by 52.8%. The increase was mainly the result of the annual
    changes of the sub-indices in the following 2-digit divisions: coke and refined petroleum products, electrical
    equipment, basic metals, chemicals and chemical products.
  • The Turnover Index in Mining and quarrying decreased by 6.7%. The decrease was mainly the result of the
    annual change of the sub-index in the following 2-digit division: other mining and quarrying products.

2. Changes in the sub-indices in Eurozone and Non-Eurozone countries

  • The Turnover Index in Industry in Non-Eurozone countries increased by 51.7%.
  • The Turnover Index in Industry in Eurozone countries increased by 51.5%.

IV. Monthly changes of the Overall Turnover Index in Industry: November 2021/ October 2021

The 4.3% increase of the Overall Turnover Index in Industry in November 2021, compared with the corresponding index in October 2021, was due to the following:
1. Changes in the sub-indices of industrial sections:

  • The Turnover Index in Manufacturing increased by 4.4%.
  • The Turnover Index in Mining and quarrying increased by 0.8%.

2. Changes in the sub-indices in Domestic and Non-Domestic Market:

  • The Turnover Index in Industry in Domestic Market increased by 5.3% .
  • The Turnover Index in Industry in Non-Domestic Market increased by 2.9%.
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