As of today, Monday, January 31, the government is proceeding with the lifting of restrictions of opening hours and the resumption of music in restaurants and entertainment venues, at a time when the coronavirus continues to lead to the death of about 100 dead per day, which raises concerns about the relaxation of measures.

There are many who point out that this relaxation is dangerous and may – if not communicated properly – send the wrong message to society, although cases have dropped significantly in recent days, with intubations finally reaching less than 600.

On the part of the government and the Committee experts, it is noted that the decision was taken because the food service and entertainment sectors could not continue being affected, but also that the citizens are tired of the measures which have been extended twice.

Also, many of the citizens consider that “Omicron” is less dangerous than “Delta”. So what is the risk and what is the danger? These questions are addressed by several scientists who note that we can not rule out the possibility of a new wave of the pandemic as they are not sure if the next mutation will be less pathogenic than “Omicron”.

Dr. Athanasios Exadaktylos, speaking on a morning show on MEGA channel, confirmed that there is a contradiction between the relaxation of the measures and the people who are found to be positive for the virus, as there is a large spread in the community. “Really, the number of people who are positive is large and there is a contradiction in the relaxation of the measures and the covid positive people. We find that at this time the people who are in the Intensive Care Unit and have been losing their lives for the past six weeks are in older age groups, who have comorbidities and are unvaccinated. We have a large dispersion in the community, as the numbers show.”

Public services, banks, churches

As mentioned in the relevant Government Gazette for the relaxation of the measures, the entrance for the public in public services, banks and churches must obligatorily demonstrate when entering:

– vaccination certificate,

– Disease certificate or

– confirmation of a negative diagnostic test for COVID-19 coronavirus (PCR or rapid test).

– Minors from 4-17 years old can, alternatively, submit a negative self-diagnosis statement (selftest).


Rstaurants and nightclubs are open exclusively for the fully vaccinated or those who became ill in the last quarter, only for people sitting at tables of up to 6 people, subject to the conditions of avoiding overcrowding and the distances of table seats and hygiene rules.

Upon entry of customers, the demonstration of the following is mandatory:

-Vaccination certificate or

– certificate of illness

In addition, it is mandatory for staff, as well as customers, to use a mask when arriving, leaving and moving around the store.

Especially the staff should wear only a mask of high respiratory protection (FFP2 or N95) or alternatively a double mask (surgical and fabric).

The musicians keep a distance of at least one (1) meter between them.

Singers and professional dancers remain on the track during their performance and do not mingle with the audience at the table seats.

Food Service

Operation of businesses licensed for a health certificate and providing in-house services, including in-store shops, indoor malls and long-distance stations, only as pure spaces, exclusively for the fully vaccinated or ill in the last quarter according to 2 and 3 of Article 9, only for seated persons, in compliance with the measures of points 1, 3, 4 and 5 of the measures for all activities, subject to the conditions of avoiding overcrowding and the distances of table seats and hygiene rules of Annexes 2 to 4 , which are an integral part of this and under the following conditions:

a) Up to six (6) people per table.

b) Disinfection of menus during the rotation of customers at the tables.

c) Mandatory use of a mask, in compliance with the specifications of point 1 of table A, by the staff, as well as by customers when arriving, leaving and moving within the store. Especially the staff wears only a mask of high respiratory protection (FFP2 or N95) or alternatively a double mask (surgical and fabric).

d) Customers enter upon mandatory demonstration during entrance:

-vaccination certificate, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 9 or
-certificate of illness, according to par. 3 of article 9.
-Minors from four (4) to seventeen (17) years old may, alternatively, submit a negative self-diagnosis statement (selftest), in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of article 9.

The operating conditions of the indoor food service businesses also apply to the operation of the catering services and the operation of the indoor receptions, applicable to the provision of accommodation for seated customers only, subject to any necessary moves for the reception to take place.

Operation of businesses, in open space, that have a license for a store of health interest and provide catering services, only for sitting, in compliance with the measures of table A, subject to the conditions of avoiding overcrowding and the distances of tables and hygiene rules to Annexes 2 4, which are an integral part of this and with the following sanitary conditions:

a) Up to six (6) people per table.

b) Disinfection of lists during the rotation of customers at the tables.

c) Mandatory use of a mask, in compliance with the specifications of point 1 of table A, by the staff, as well as by customers when arriving, leaving and moving within the store. Especially the staff wears only a mask of high respiratory protection (FFP2 or N95) or alternatively a double mask (surgical and fabric).

d) Customers enter after a mandatory demonstration upon entry:

-vaccination certificate, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 9, or
– certificate of illness, according to par. 3 of article 9 or
-certificate of negative diagnostic test for COVID-19 coronavirus (PCR or rapid test), according to par. 3 of article 9.
-Minors from four (4) to seventeen (17) years old may, alternatively, submit a negative self-diagnosis statement (selftest), in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of article 9.

Validity of vaccination certificates

As has been announced, the validity of the vaccination certificates is extended for one week and specifically until the 7th of February for those who have completed seven months from the moment they have completed their vaccination.

In practice, this means that those who do not take the booster dose by February 7 will be considered unvaccinated.

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