January topped the coronavirus deaths as 2,710 people lost their lives. This number clearly shows that the pandemic has not subsided in the slightest, on the contrary, it is deteriorating, which means that there should be no relaxation at all, in terms of the measures that each of us takes to protect ourselves.
At the same time, the Government, after a suggestion of the competent committee, proceeded from yesterday Monday to lift some of the measures in force. Many, however, point out that this relaxation of measures comes at a time when the death toll is around 100 a day, while calling for mandatory vaccinations.
Frightening numbers
January, as mentioned above, ended with 2,710 deaths. December had ended with 2,633.
The January number corresponds to 87 deaths per day. Note that more than eight out of ten patients (83%) who died were 65 years of age or older, or 2,276 dead.
The next team, 40-64 years old, has 442 losses and another 22 the team under 40 years old.
The measures that were relaxed
Since yesterday there is a relaxation of opening hours and a return of music in restaurants and entertainment venues, although six people will be allowed to sit at a single table.
Case numbers remain high as pandemic flares up again
Even experts from the Committee of the Ministry of Health stress that this decision seems contradictory. On the part of the government and the Committee experts, however, they note that the decision was taken because food service and entertainment could not continue to be affected, but also because citizens are tired of the measures that have been extended twice since they were first enforced.
Also, many of the citizens consider that “Omicron” is less dangerous than “Delta”. So what is the risk? These questions are addressed by several scientists who note that we can not rule out the possibility of a new wave of the pandemic as they are not sure if the next mutation will be less pathogenic than “Omicron”.
“We have stayed away from these political decisions. We do not agree. Yesterday the positivity was at 17%, the pandemic is not over. We can not mourn 7,500 dead in a quarter. We must extend the obligation if we want to have a milder 5th wave and not relax at all “, said Mr. Kapravelos today speaking to MEGA channel.
“The 800 employees who have not taken the 3rd dose will not be fired. For the new recruits, however, it is not simply the obligation of the health professionals to be vaccinated but it is incompatible with the status of the health profession”, concluded Mr. Kapravelos in his statements.
Omicron superconductivity and mandatory vaccination
“All over the world, the micron is a super-transmissible strain, it does not lead and does not push the health system and the ICU. We have a decrease in our imports and the tickets are more than the tickets. However, the number of cases is very high as the pandemic was revived by the micron “, he added.
“The biggest lesson we learned was that we did not extend the mandatory vaccinations. I disagree with the state that has not implemented it. We are no less democrats when we believe that the vaccine can be passed as a mandatory measure. This is how life is protected “, Mr. Kapravelos commented characteristically.
Shortages in hospitals
Mr. Kapravelos referred to the lack of hospital staff.
“The truth is that there is a shortage of staff, it is a factor that affects mortality and morbidity, but the big picture shows that January closed the 4th wave with 7,500 deaths. The first and cause are the unvaccinated. The NSS is not able to meet these great needs. “When they exceed our limits, they have an impact on morbidity and mortality,” he said initially.
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