The use of the protective mask will be extended at least until the summer, estimated the president of EINAP Matina Pagoni.

As she stressed, the measures against the coronavirus will gradually relax, however she explained that the masks can not be removed.

“Slowly the measures will be reduced but we can not say that they are over. When we say they are finished, we throw away the mask. But the mask is not thrown indoors and MMM. “It will stay at least until the summer,” she told SKAI tv.

She explained that there is a risk of new pandemic waves but they can be controlled because vaccinations have advanced. She added at the same time that there is no point in extending the obligation at the moment as it will create controversy.

Referring to the novavax protein vaccine, she noted that it is a preparation with fewer side effects but also with low cost, a fact that could be exploited by the WHO to fortify countries with low vaccination coverage.

For the unvaccinated and those who have been vaccinated with only two doses, she stressed that depending on the symptoms they present in case of illness, they should go to the hospital immediately, without having to wait 5-6 days at home.

Finally, in view of Easter, she explained that depending on the image that the hard indicators will present, it will be possible for people to go to the villages, however, Ms. Pagoni recommends a rapid test.

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