Household budgets have caught fire with fuel prices rising rapidly.

This month, the average price for simple unleaded reached from € 1,730 / liter to € 1,912 / liter while at the same time high-octane gasoline exceeds € 2 / liter.

The average price for diesel drivers reaches € 1,607 / liter from € 1,481 / liter in November.

LPG prices reach € 1 / liter while four months ago the average price was € 0.950 / liter.

Lead-free gasoline: From € 1,400 / liter to € 1,912 / liter

According to the data of the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness, it seems that in December 2020 the prices of plain unleaded gasoline reached 1,404 € / liter while the year 2021 closed with drivers paying for simple unleaded 1,712 € / liter.

For the past four months, the fuel price rally has not stopped surprising drivers who are faced with additional increases in their fuel prices on a weekly basis.

The price explosion came in February 2022 with drivers being confronted at gas stations with prices skyrocketing to € 1,912 / liter.

Average nationwide prices just a “breath” away from 2 euros per liter

Regarding the average prices per prefecture, the situation is as follows:

Prefecture of Attica 1,885 € / liter
Prefecture of Evritania 1,990 € / liter
Prefecture of Argolida 1,901 € / liter
Prefecture of Evros € 1,920 / liter
Prefecture of Grevena 1,933 € / liter
Prefecture of Rethymno 1,955 € / liter
Prefecture of Kefallinia 1,955 € / liter
Prefecture of Samos 1,964 € / liter
Prefecture of Cyclades 2,099 € / liter
Prefecture of Dodecanese 2,041 € / liter

Unleaded 100 octane: From € 1,608 / liter to over € 2 / liter

In the 100 octane gasoline we can see equally big changes in Attica. In 2020, the year ended with prices at € 1,609 per liter.

A significant increase was observed in June 2021 when prices reached € 1,798 / liter, while the price of premium gasoline reached the close of 2021 at record prices of € 1,894 / liter. In just two months there was an even bigger increase with unleaded 100 octane reaching € 2,051 / liter.

Intense concern for diesel vehicles as well

At the same time, oil prices for drivers using diesel cars increased in the first six months of 2020, reaching € 1,136 / liter in December 2020.

Prices skyrocketed in December 2021 to € 1,449 / liter and within just two months we saw an additional increase resulting in the average price in February reaching € 1,607 / liter.

Catastrophic discrimination for the most economical fuel

Rising prices for all fuels and inflation could not keep the price of LPG stable.

A negative distinction shows that our country is in the top positions in the world having the 2nd most expensive LPG in the world. Within Attica with an average price of liter reaching up to 1,005 € / liter while in June 2020 it was only 0.672 € / liter.

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