The estimate that the goal of 13 billion euros for infrastructure projects by 2023 will be exceeded was made by the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Mr. Costas Karamanlis, in an interview with “Vima tis Kyriakis”.

Mr. Karamanlis referred to the project program of 13 billion euros, emphasizing that “it is based on the two fundamental principles: Every project that we announce has the maturity of studies and secured funding”. He even noted that “During the SYRIZA government we heard many announcements, many big words, we even saw construction sites set up only for the needs of television footage. But the reality was unfortunately different. Projects stuck in the vortex of complex problems, while there was no design maturity for new projects, not even designs. So we started almost from scratch. We prepared for the first time a National Strategic Infrastructure Plan, with projects not of micro-political expediency, but of national necessity “.

Specifically, Mr. Karamanlis pointed out that “In less than three years we have auctioned projects worth 8 billion euros and we have contracted projects worth 3.2 billion, which means that they are already being implemented. 2022 is the year that will show even more clearly all the work we do these years. So that every Greek, from Alexandroupolis to Crete, can see the change with his own eyes. And of course, by the beginning of 2023, we plan the auction of projects over 4 billion, as well as the contracting of the large concession projects of the Northern Crete Highway and the Submarine Link of Salamina with mainland Attica, with a budget of about 2 billion euros. In fact, according to our estimates, we will exceed the goal of 13 billion that we had set by 2023.”

On the issue of price increases in construction materials, due to the energy crisis and the war in Ukraine, Mr. Karamanlis expressed the determination of the government to do everything for the continuation and completion of large and small projects throughout country. “When there is a huge international crisis due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and such inflationary pressures are exerted even in the core of the Eurozone, of course this also concerns the construction industry. We closely monitor every aspect of the issue and are in constant contact with industry representatives. We are determined to do everything for the continuation and completion of large projects, but also the smaller ones throughout Greece. After all, as you know, we recently decided to apply work review rates to all ongoing projects. “Our interventions were timely and gave a real breath to the projects to continue,” said Mr. Karamanlis.

The extensions of Attiki Odos and Metro Line 4

Regarding the expansion of Attiki Odos, he stressed that the project of connecting Kymi Avenue with PATHE was auctioned and will soon be contracted and added that “we are preparing new extensions and final proposals for the expansion to Rafina, as well as for the large project connection of Peripheral Ymittos with Vouliagmeni Avenue and Elliniko. In both projects, we encourage the participation of the private sector in order to proceed faster with their maturation and construction “.

“All the preliminary works of Line 4 are gradually in progress in the 4 Municipalities where the project is being constructed, so that it has been completed in 2029″ stressed Mr. Karamanlis. He even noted that “recently a memorandum of cooperation was signed with the Municipality of Athens, with which we all undertook specific commitments to do the project with the greatest speed and the least burden for the citizens and the environment. So that Athens not only does not lose a single tree but, on the contrary, gains even more. We are talking about over 1300 transplants and 2000 new trees. Regarding the new extensions, the extension of Line 2 to Ilion with 3 new stations (Palatiani, Ilion and Agios Nikolaos) is at a very advanced stage of study. Also, from the Attiko Metro is gradually planning and maturing extensions such as: In Line 1, underground extensions after Thissio station to Kallithea and Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center, but also after the KAT station to Kifissia, N. Erythrea and Varypos junction to the metro network with the National Highway. On Line 2, from Ilion to Acharnes, but also from Elliniko to Glyfada. And on Line 4, along Kifissia Avenue to the northern suburbs and OAKA, from Veikos Grove to St. Petersburg and from Evangelismos to Ymittos “.

Thessaloniki Metro

Responding to the schedule of works for the Thessaloniki metro, Mr. Karamanlis underlined that “we are rushing to gain the time that the lawsuits against it stole from the urban project – made by minorities which some exploited for political and other purposes – and to deliver the completed project by the end of 2023 “. Specifically, he stated that “the works of the main line have been completed by 85% and the extension to Kalamaria by84% as concerns the Civil Engineering projects. The supply of the first 18 trains has been completed, while the tender for the 15 additional trains is in the evaluation phase. And of course, the archeological works have been completed in all the places of the project, except the Venizelos Station, where as it is known, they are continuing intensively.”

Railway projects worth 4.5 billion euros.

The Minister of Infrastructure and Transport referred to the program of railway projects, saying that “Greece is finally acquiring modern railway transport. Now that all the necessary major road projects have taken their course, it is time for the development of the railway network. That is why we have announced the largest package of railway projects ever made, amounting to 4.5 billion euros. At the same time, the program of upgrading and electrification of the existing network, amounting to 1.2 billion euros, is in progress. We connect all the main ports with the road and the railway network “.

Regarding the agreement with TRAINOSE and the barren lines, which was recently signed, Mr. Karamanlis stressed that “For the first time: It secures the routes throughout the country with clauses and commits TRAINOSE to very specific investments, so that the Greek State acquires new , modern trains -most of which will be electric and hydrogen trains- to upgrade the existing rolling stock, but also to develop modern information systems, for the better information of the passenger public. With the signing of the Thriasio project the way has opened for the increase of commercial activity “.

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