The pandemic is clearly not over, we may need to be vigilant again in the autumn, but there is optimism for the summer, Deputy Health Minister Mina Gaga told SKAI 100.3 FM.

She made clear that at this stage we do not need a strict ban, as in our country both hospitalizations and cases are reduced. She also said that in other European countries such as France, Spain and Italy at the moment there are no substantial measures.

Incentives to keep young doctors in the country

The Deputy Minister also noted that the bet in the health sector is to find incentives to keep the new doctors in the country, as we must have a public health system open to every person who needs it.

Ms. Gaga added that the health map of the country is moving forward and the reorganization of the health system is being discussed with interventions related to the merger of hospitals and the transformation of the role of specific health units.

The Deputy Minister of Health stressed the need for an assessment so that doctors can come from regional hospitals to larger ones, or can go given incentives for specific periods to areas throughout Greece with tourism to serve in hospitals.

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