“In the context of the Greek Government’s reforms for the modernization of the domestic capital market, the Ministry of Finance is cooperatings with the Directorate General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) of the European Commission for the technical assistance project” Planning the Strategic Development for Greece “. The project is funded by the European Union, through the Structural Reform Support Program, and is implemented by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) “, said Minister of Finance Christos Staikouras in a statement.

The 4 axes of the project

The project is structured along four main axes:

1. Upgrading the Greek capital market to a developed market.

2. Reforms for the development of the Greek capital market, in particular as regards corporate governance and accounting standards, and strengthening of its supervision.

3. Optimal ways to mobilize the demand and supply of products in the Greek capital market.

4. Enhancing the use of financial technology (Fintech) and sustainable financing instruments.


The Ministry of Finance is working on and submitting specific proposals to be finalized by the end of the year on the planning of the Capital Market Development Strategy of the country. At the same time Mr. Staikouras stressed that: “a joint action is already underway with DG REFORM and the EBRD for the presentation of the project, which is estimated to be held in the context of the Thessaloniki International Fair in September this year.”

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