South Aegean islands continue being flooded by throngs of visitors, as evidenced by direct international air arrivals that took place in the month of June.

The figures of arrivals at the five international airports of the South Aegean (Mykonos, Santorini, Rhodes, Kos, Karpathos) so far, show that the arrivals of foreign visitors in the tourist year of 2022 in the Cyclades and Dodecanese will more than likely exceed 2019 levels.

Already so far, this April surpassed April 2019’s arrivals by 13% and May by 5%. Likewise, June 2022 is showing a truly impressive course, surpassing by 13% June of the last pre-pandemic year.

A better June than 2019 for Rhodes, Kos, Mykonos, Santorini

Compared to the landmark year of 2019, all four islands of Rhodes, Kos, Mykonos, Santorini “took off” in June, recording by the 26th more arrivals than 2019.

Specifically in the Dodecanese, Rhodes and Kos are moving towards increases  of 8% and 3% respectively, compared to 2019. In the Cyclades the percentages are higher, 22% for Mykonos and 49% for Santorini.

Read also: UK Min.: Millions of Brits in Greece again this year

One international flight every five minutes

In particular, only during the first 26 days of June, according to the official data of Fraport and CAA, 4,898 planes landed at the five international airports of the South Aegean carrying 771,941 passengers, of which approximately half (376,415,042) chose Rhodes , 182,410 Kos, 114,873 Santorini, 83,581 Mykonos and 14,662 Karpathos.

Characteristic of the high traffic enjoyed by the airports is that, as can be observed from the flight boards especially on peak days, an international flight lands every five minutes.

1,700,000 visitors by air in the between April and June

By June 26, 1,550,059 visitors visited destinations in the South Aegean, through direct flights, if one adds passengers arriving at the Cyclades and Dodecanese through Athens International Airport during the months of April and May, that number reaches 1,700,000.

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