European Commission VP for the Promotion of the European Way of Life, Margaritis Schinas visited the new DEMO Research and Development Center, on Friday July 15, on the occasion of the official opening of the facility, recognizing the high importance of research activity for development and self-sufficiency of the Greek and European pharmaceutical industry. Mr. Schinas was welcomed by Mr. Dimitris Demos, CEO of DEMO, and other company officials

New building

DEMO’s new Research and Development Center in Thessaloniki focuses on innovation, research and education and is part of the company’s multidimensional investment plan of €356 million with which the firm plans to take the lead in the production of medicines in Europe and in the world. The specific investment in Thessaloniki was carried out with a view to regional development, the strengthening of quality ties with the academic community, but also the creation of development opportunities and jobs for the high-level scientific staff of Northern Greece, as during full operation the Center will employ 100 scientists.

DEMO is the first Greek company that will produce raw materials in Greece, directly contributing to the goal of Europe’s Pharmaceutical Strategy to upgrade and repatriate the production of raw materials on European soil. The company’s investments as a whole demonstrate that DEMO provides added value to Europe’s manufacturing base by contributing to Europe’s strategic autonomy, supporting competitiveness, innovation and sustainability and ensuring patient access to high-quality medicines.

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Ανισότητα: Οι 9 στους 10 Έλληνες απαιτούν αλλαγή του οικονομικού συστήματος
Επικαιρότητα |

Oι 9 στους 10 Έλληνες απαιτούν αλλαγή του οικονομικού συστήματος

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