The president of Doctors Association of Athens-Piraeus Hospitals-EINAP, Matina Pagoni, spoke about the updated coronavirus vaccine that is expected in Greece by the end of this year.

She referred to who is entitled to receive them, while also making some remarks about the unvaccinated.

Available vaccines

As she said about Omicron, we will have the vaccine at the end of October, but for subvariants 4 and 5 we will have them in December of this year.

“Regarding Pfizer’s vaccine, it concerns ages from over 12 years, while Moderna’s covers those 18 and over,” the doctor explained.

She explained that these are vaccines that have been rapidly studied and will go a long way in reducing severe disease, reducing deaths, and focus on the O4 and O5 strains and “will reduce the spread according to available data.”

Who should get the vaccines?

“From the instructions that will be given on Monday by the Vaccination Committee, those who should get the vaccine are those over 60, those who have many underlying diseases, pregnant women, and sensitive groups as we define them” noted Ms. Pagonis, while clarifying that those over 60 who have had the 4th dose of the vaccine, will not need to do the new one for the time being.

Then, she emphasized that those who have received the three doses, must also do the 4th, without waiting for the new vaccine that will come in December.

The unvaccinated

“Anyone who hasn’t had any vaccines at all can’t get the updated one directly because this is basically a booster dose. They should begin to be vaccinated normally from the beginning” said the doctor, noting that they will either receive the two initial doses, or the single dose made by Johnson & Johnson.

With reference to those who fell ill while having received all three doses of the vaccine, Ms. Pagoni pointed out that they will not proceed to the 4th dose, but will directly do the updated one,  4 months, after their recovery.

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