According to the Hellenic Statistical Authority-ELSTAT, the Overall Turnover Index in Industry (both Domestic and Non-Domestic Market) in September 2022 recorded an increase of 23.5% compared with the corresponding index of September 2021. The Overall Turnover Index in Industry in September 2021 increased by 39.7% compared with the corresponding index in September 2020. The Overall Turnover Index in Industry in September 2022, compared with August 2022, recorded an increase of 8.7%.

The average Overall Turnover Index in Industry for the 12-month period from October 2021 to September 2022 increased by 37.3%, compared with the corresponding index of the 12-month period from October 2020 to September 2021. The average Overall Turnover Index in Industry for the 12-month period from October 2020 to September 2021 increased by 14.5% compared with the corresponding index of the 12-month period from October 2019 to September 2020.

Evolution of the Overall Turnover Index in Industry in September 2022

I. Annual changes of the Overall Turnover Index in Industry: September 2022/September 2021

The 23.5% increase in the Overall Turnover Index in Industry in September 2022, compared with the corresponding
index in September 2021, was due to the following:

1. Changes in the sub-indices of the industrial sections:

• The Turnover Index in Manufacturing increased by 23.7%. The increase was mainly the result of the annual changes of the sub-indices in the following 2-digit divisions: tobacco products, chemicals and chemical products,
coke and refined petroleum products, food.
• The Turnover Index in Mining and quarrying increased by 8.0%. The increase was mainly the result of the annual change of the sub-index in the following 2-digit divisions: mining of coal and lignite – extraction of crude
petroleum and natural gas – mining support service activities.

2. Changes in the sub-indices in Domestic and Non-Domestic Markets:

• The Turnover Index in Industry in Domestic Market increased by 34.2% (Table 2).
• The Turnover Index in Industry in Non-Domestic Market increased by 7.1% (Table 3)

II. Annual changes of the Turnover Index in Industry in Domestic Market: September 2022/September 2021

The 34.2% increase of the Turnover Index in Industry in Domestic Market in September 2022, compared with September 2021, is due to the annual changes in the sub-indices of the following industrial sections:

•The Turnover Index in Manufacturing increased by 34.3%. The increase was mainly the result of the annual changes of the sub-indices in the following 2-digit divisions: coke and refined petroleum products, chemicals and chemical products, paper and paper products, food.
•The Turnover Index in Mining and quarrying increased by 26.5%. The increase was mainly the result of the annual changes of the sub-indices in the following 2-digit divisions: mining of coal and lignite – extraction of crude
petroleum and natural gas – mining support service activities, mining of metal ores.

III. Annual changes of the Turnover Index in Industry in Non-Domestic Market: September 2022/September 2021

The 7.1% increase of the Turnover Index in Industry in Non-Domestic Market in September 2022, compared with September 2021, was due to the following:

1. Changes in the sub-indices of the industrial sections:

• The Turnover Index in Manufacturing increased by 7.3%. The increase was mainly the result of the annual changes
of the sub-indices in the following 2-digit divisions: paper and paper products, chemicals and chemical products,
basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations, food.
• The Turnover Index in Mining and quarrying decreased by 2.4%. The decrease was the result of the annual change
of the sub-index in the following 2-digit division: other mining and quarrying products.

2. Changes in the sub-indices in Eurozone and Non-Eurozone countries:

• The Turnover Index in Industry in Eurozone countries increased by 12.6%.
• The Turnover Index in Industry in Non-Eurozone countries increased by 4.4%.

IV. Monthly changes of the Overall Turnover Index in Industry: September 2022/ August 2022

The 8.7% increase of the Overall Turnover Index in Industry in September 2022, compared with the corresponding index in August 2022, was due to the following:

1. Changes in the sub-indices of industrial sections:

• The Turnover Index in Mining and quarrying increased by 26.9%.
• The Turnover Index in Manufacturing increased by 8.5%.

2. Changes in the sub-indices in Domestic and Non-Domestic Market:

• The Turnover Index in Industry in Domestic Market increased by 15.4%.
• The Turnover Index in Industry in Non-Domestic Market decreased by 2.2%

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