The Qatargate issue, involving Eva Kaili, who has been demoted from the position of vice-president of the European Parliament and previously an MP for Greece’s PASOK party, is expected to be discussed by European leaders, who are heading to Brussels for today’s Eurasian summit and for the EU Summit scheduled for tomorrow morning .
A European official expects reports on the developments in the corruption scandal at the “27” table, given that the president of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, will also be present at the beginning of tomorrow’s meeting. Pundits reckon that the leaders will opt to send a unified anti-corruption message – similar to that sent by Metsola.
Also read: Attorney conveys Kaili’s denial of charges in Qatargate; cash not hers
Kyriakos Mitsotakis will have breakfast very early on Thursday morning with the European People’s Party (EPP), a few days after the meeting at Vouliagmeni, where presidents, prime ministers and opposition leaders who belong to the European conservative family met.
“Solution now on the issue of prices”
The two messages that Kyriakos Mitsotakis intends to stress with regard to the discussions on energy are to finally provide a single solution to the issue of prices, as well as to “move together and strategically” with regard to the issue of supplies this winter.
With Europe indeed currently moving like a slow ocean liner. Besides, energy and support for Ukraine (with a live connection with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky) are once again prioritized as the main issues on the agenda of Thursday’s European Council.
European sources, however, expressed hope that a “unity” summit would emerge in a prolonged period of intense pressure on European governments, as households and businesses increasingly worry about the continuation of winter. Security and defense issues will also be high on the European talks, following the informal council in Versailles last March, as well as Euro-Atlantic relations.
Meetings on the sidelines
Kyriakos Mitsotakis has planned for today, on the sidelines of the EU-ASEAN summit, bilateral meetings with three of his counterparts – from Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. In these, according to government sources, the prospects of strengthening cooperation are expected to be put on the table, but also to emphasize international law and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.
“Greece supports the deepening of EU-ASEAN strategic cooperation and the development of a European strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific” say the same sources. And they attach great importance to issues of maritime trade, freedom of navigation and maritime security.
On the official agenda of this session are security challenges, trade, green and digital transition and food security.
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