Kyriakos Mitsotakis from Kozani, also announced the return of the excise tax on agricultural diesel for the whole of 2023. The Prime Minister met earlier with apple producers who were gathered near Kleisoura.

In particular, in his statements from Kozani, the Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, characteristically underlined that “I have made the decision that we will finance the return of the excise tax on agricultural diesel for the whole of 2023, this I can announce today”, and added: “I have agreed with the Ministry of Finance. It is an important intervention amounting to 76 million euros, while at the same time I have also asked the Ministry of Rural Development to run all pending cases related to compensation as quickly as possible so that we do not have pending cases from the past.”

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Then Mr. Mitsotakis, addressing the apple producers, said that “there will soon be announcements for horizontal support and for varieties that may have been outside of our original planning. I have already given the relevant directions to the minister of rural development.

From here on, the problem of the primary sector is more structural, it is more essential and certainly the issue of production costs is something that worries us especially for our farmers and breeders, who are faced with high energy costs and high costs animal feed. And of course it is one of the reasons that prices have increased and the increase has been passed on to the consumer. We are talking about milk prices that are very high. We have to do more.”

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