Kalymnos was ranked among the 12 best climbing destinations in the world for 2023. The list was recently announced by the popular international platform Redbull.com which specializes in activities, special forms of tourism and extreme sports around the world.

The list includes the National Park of California, the Red Rocks of Nevada, Cape Town in South Africa, the Dolomites in Italy, Patagonia and the British Peak District National Park.

In seventh place is Kalymnos, which the platform’s evaluators call “a home for wild nature with impressive cliffs and unparalleled views of the Aegean”, while they invite climbing enthusiasts to explore the island’s approximately 4,000 climbing routes, discover the beautiful villages and to visit Telendo.

The Times: Kalymnos, the best climbing destination in Greece

The list

The list is completed with climbing spots in Thailand, Switzerland, Spain, Canada and France. “Kalymnos is both high and deep!

From the unique climbing fields to the impressive seabed and among its highlights the rich tradition of sponge fishing, local cuisine, history and natural beauty, the destination is prersented as a paradise for lovers of alternative forms of tourism, sports, authenticity and good life.

The promotion of special forms of tourism contributes to the expansion of the tourist season with the arrival of travelers and repeaters from all over the world”, pointed out the Mayor of Kalymnos, Dimitris Diakomichalis.

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