The decarbonization of shipping creates a new landscape and new requirements in the electricity market, as the quantities of electricity required to power ships are enormous. It is typical that the energy needs of a large cruise ship are comparable to those of a small town, which means that supplying them from land requires large-scale investment in generation, networks and port infrastructure.
This results from the discussion on the electrification of shipping that took place in the context of the Shipping Finance conference.
The vice-president of the Regulatory Authority of Energy-RAE, Dimitris Fourlaris, speaking at the conference, said that RAE, in collaboration with the Polytechnic University, is proceeding with a mapping of the country’s largest ports in order to estimate the cost of the required investments in the ports and networks and to set a realistic timetable for Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator in order to proceed with the required modifications to its development plan.
Critical to the success of the venture is the completion of the islands’ electrical interconnections to support the powering of ships docked there. “We are working with both the Independent Power Transmission Operator and Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator to achieve the goal of electrifying shipping. The amounts of energy required are very large”, emphasized Mr. Fourlaris who also announced that the relevant framework will soon be put in consultation with port organizations, energy producers and ship owners.
The project will be put into pilot operation at the port of Igoumenitsa in collaboration with Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator and the Polytechnic University. Research programs for electrification and the use of liquefied natural gas with the aim of limiting emissions and by 2050 complete decarbonization are also implemented by the Piraeus Port Authority, as reported by Dimitris Spyrou on behalf of the Organization. A “green” hydrogen project (produced with electricity from renewable energy sources throigh electrolysis) is also being implemented for use in vehicles and ships in collaboration with PPC and Motor Oil.
Changes to ports and ships
The president of the Association of Passenger Shipping Businesses, Spyros Paschalis, pointed out that the transition requires changes in both ports and ships, defining the specifications and ensuring the interoperability of the systems between the ports.
From the market side, it was also emphasized that the high cost of the transition is still an obstacle, as well as that it is likely that in the future there will be different fuel options on ships (liquid fuels but also liquefied natural gas, methanol, biofuels, hydrogen, etc. ) Those with the best characteristics in terms of cost, ease of distribution and storage, carbon dioxide emissions, safety, etc. will prevail.
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