The federation model is no longer suitable for Cyprus, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said (file photo, top, by Russian Foreign Ministry/via Reuters), noting that Turkey supports the rights of Turkish Cypriots over the island’s energy resources.

“Our National Cause”

In his message on Twitter entitled “Cyprus is our national cause – our business, humanitarian and effective foreign policy” the Turkish minister notes:

“We emphasized together with the Turkish Cypriot side that the federation solution model, which has been tested for half a century, is no longer appropriate.”

“We strongly supported the vision of the TRNC in the two-state solution on the basis of sovereign equality,” he continues, referring to the pseudo-state.

The opening of Varosia

“We ensured that the TRNCwas accepted as an observer member in the Organization of Turkish States. Thus the TRNC was admitted to an international organization with its constitutional name for the first time.

»We also supported the government’s opening of the Varosia town hall which had been closed for 46 years. We have protected and continue to protect the rights of the Turkish Cypriots over energy sources in and around Cyprus, as well as their interests.”

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