Shortly after 06:00 on Monday morning, and with the integration of votes having reached 99.57%, the sweeping victory of New Democracy over SYRIZA with a difference of more than 20 percentage points is now clearly visible. Today (22.05), the cycle of exploratory mandates is expected to begin, with Kyriakos Mitsotakis receiving the first mandate from the President of the Republic.
According to what has been said by the political leaders, in the previous period, these exploratory contacts are expected to have a procedural nature, which means that the country is headed for new elections. The second round of the elections will take place with the system of enhanced proportionality and as everything shows it is likely to be held on June 25.
Greek “political earthquake”: Mitsotakis tp the President for mandate, new polls on June 25
How the map is shaped based on the result – ND is first in 58 of the 59 regions
New Democracy managed to be on top in 58 out of 59 constituencies. With an integrated 99.56%. The ND prevails with a margin ranging from 5.67% (Artas) to 35.26% (Lakonia) from the second party. In 54 constituencies the difference is double digits, while in 39-40 the distance from the second party is more than 20 points.
The best performances are in the regions of Laconia (49.78%), Dodecanese (49.93%), Cyclades (47.51%), First Piraeus (48.54%), Chios (46.14%), Evrytania ( 45.17%), Serres (46.97%), Fokida (46.23%), Kastoria (46.84%) and Karditsa (46.34%). The lowest percentages were obtained in the constituencies of Rodopi (33.19%), First Thessaloniki (34.14%), Achaia (33.94%), Western Sector of Athens (34.46%) and Xanthi (35.91%) .
In the only constituency where he is not ahead is Rodopi, in which SYRIZA prevails with 33.19%. SYRIZA is second in 51 regions and third in 7. The best percentage is recorded in Rhodope, followed by the electoral districts of Arta (31.76%), Xanthi (26.47%), Achaia (27.02%), Aetoloakarnania (25.84%), Kefallinia (26.09%) and Florina (24.74%). On the contrary, the lowest percentages were obtained in Chios (12.36%), Drama (13.89%), Laconia (13.79%), Kilkis (13.63%) and Serres (10.92%).
The 2019 elections were held after the collaboration government of SYRIZA with the party of Independent Greeks and with the system of enhanced proportionality, giving the New Democracy a clear mandate to govern. Based on the percentages, SYRIZA kept its forces, while New Democracy managed to reach a breath before 40%.
On the other hand, the elections that took place on Sunday (21.05) were done with the simple proportional system after a self-sufficient government that exhausted the four-year term. Here it can be seen that New Democracy managed to increase the percentage it had received in 2019 and even without the system of enhanced proportionality. On the other hand, the percentages of SYRIZA decreased by ten points.
Furthermore, PASOK – Movement for Change managed to increase its percentages by 3 percentage points. The Hellenic Solution also succeeded in increasing its percentages, while MeRA 25 failed to gather the 3% required to enter the Parliament.
“Tomorrow I will follow what the Constitution provides,” Mitsotakis said
Moved by the result, Kyriakos Mitsotakis declared, speaking of the catalytic messages of the ballot box. “ND has the approval to govern independently and strongly. The voters demanded it emphatically. They asked us to run the reforms for better wages, better health and a safe Greece” he said, among other things. K. Mitsotakis did not say anything more in relation to the investigative order, saying that “tomorrow I will follow what the Constitution provides”. However, he added his firm position that “the mathematics of simple proportionality points to party bargains” and that “big changes are brought about by stable governments.”
The prime minister announced, in effect, second elections, saying that “we are all called to speed up the process, so that the homeland has an experienced hand at the wheel”. Mr. Mitsotakis insisted that the country needs a strong government that believes in and is able to implement the necessary reforms. He spoke of a “political earthquake”, referring to tonight’s electoral triumph of the ND, and pointed out that the Greek citizens gave an order for an experienced hand at the helm of the country, approving his and the ND’s choice for an independent Greece and an independent New Democracy. Mr. Mitsotakis reiterated that he will strictly abide by the constitutional imperatives regarding the process of investigative orders, repeating the
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