Jacoppo Losso General Director of EVAN commented on the rapid – as he characterized – development of startups in our country, stressing that “investment angels” can find many opportunities.

During his placement on the OT panel, on the sidelines of the Beyond 2023 exhibition, he emphasized that “in Greece you have amazing talents, but also entrepreneurs and at the same time a strong community of Angels”.

“Certainly, there is room for further development and growth of the investment community as well.”

Asked about the startups he saw during the expo, Mr. Losso said he saw quite a few and “the ones I saw were very interesting.”

On how he recognizes a good idea when he sees it, he emphasized that he focuses “on the team and the entrepreneur. To be ambitious enough, to really want to change the world, to be resilient and able to cope.”

“What I want is a great founder and strong businessman,” he added.

As he said, “innovation is always the point. Investors provide much more than money. Because they holistically support entrepreneurs, help with networking and provide strategic advice. After family and friends, Angels are the most important.”

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Μαρινάκης για αναβάθμιση Scope: Επιβεβαιώθηκαν ξανά οι θετικές προοπτικές της ελληνικής οικονομίας

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