Kyriakos Mitsotakis is in Brussels today, and will participate in the preparatory session of the European People’s Party in the morning> Then he will meet at the headquarters of the European Parliament with its president, Roberta Metsola.
At noon, the prime minister will take part in the work of the European Council, with immigration/refugees as the main topic. This is the first summit after the agreement on the Migration and Asylum Pact.
An agreement that covers some key aspirations of the Greek government, such as the mandatory Solidarity Mechanism, the protection of the EU’s external borders and border decongestion, as well as the necessary adjustments to the Dublin Regulation to the needs of first host countries, such as Greece, with the aim of sharing responsibility between Member States.
In the first paragraph of the conclusions there is a reference to the recent tragedy off Pylos, without however any change from the well-trodden path in relation to how to avoid similar tragedies in the future. What is mentioned is the determination of the Union to fight the networks of smugglers and the guarding of the external borders.
What the Prime Minister will ask for
Kyriakos Mitsotakis, according to government sources cited by state news agency AMNA, is expected to repeat the basic lines of the policy followed by Greece, as well as the need for a comprehensive and coherent policy to deal with a problem that is not Greek, but international . The guarding of the external borders of the E.U. it is one dimension of a comprehensive policy, which must address the prevention of illegal human trafficking and find new ways to crack down on the criminal networks of traffickers.
The prime minister is also expected to underline the importance of strengthening cooperation with third countries and the implementation of return agreements.
“Window” to Turkey
It is noted that following Germany’s request, which was accepted, in the EU conclusions there is a reference on how EU relations with Turkey could be improved and that there should be a strategic discussion at the next regular meeting next October.
Greece has signed as there is a reference to the previous conclusions of the European Councils and the EU opens a window of opportunity in Ankara.
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