The meetings of the new Minister of Tourism, Olgas Kefalogiannis, with Greek tourism agencies are in full progress. Specifically, as Ms Kefalogiannis mentions in her post on social networks, today she held a working meeting with the president of the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels, Alexandros Vasilikos, in the presence of the Deputy Minister, Elena Raptis.
The agenda of today’s meeting included the need to digitize the Chamber, the eventual regulation of star rating criteria for hotels, the strengthening of accommodation control and Greece’s prospects for increasing its share in the international tourism market. The great objective of the Ministry of Tourism and Foreign Investment, as stated by Olga Kefalogiannis, is the diffusion of tourism wealth throughout the spectrum of local societies and economies.
Meeting with the president of Hellenic Chamber of Hotels
“With the president of the Hotel Chamber of Greece, Alexandros Vasilikos, today we had the first institutional meeting together with the Deputy Minister, Mrs. Elena Raptis, in order to learn about the priorities of adapting the hotel industry to the modern challenges of the tourism sector. Guided by both the basic figures and the real needs that are formed in the field, we agreed in principle on a general direction of highlighting the Greek tourist product as a critical tool for the balanced diffusion of the wealth it produces in local societies and economies. After all, this perspective is what will maximize the contribution of the sector to the development and well-being of the country as a whole”, notes Olga Kefalogianni.
Meeting with Athens Mayor
In the meantime, the new Minister of Tourism also held a meeting with the Mayor of Athens, Costas Bakoyannis, for the further cooperation of the Ministry of Tourism/Hellenic Tourism Organization (HTO) and the Municipality of Athens/Athens Development and Tourism Promotion Company (EATA) to strengthen the prospect of upgrading of the tourist offer of the capital. “We also discussed the possibilities of the city’s advancement in the global ranking of metropolitan tourist destinations, as well as the important issues that concern the residents of Athens”, says Mrs. Kefalogianni in her post. Finally, it is recalled that last week he also had a meeting with the general secretary of the EOT, Dimitris Fragakis.
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