“Rhodes was damaged by the fires, but fortunately no lives were lost, there were no serious injuries,” said Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis during the debate in Parliament on the bill concerning the vote of expatriates.

As he pointed out at the beginning of his speech, no measure is ever enough against the fury of fire, while as he said, due to the prolonged heat and strong winds, our forests become easier foci of fire.

Mr. Mitsotakis underlined that thousands of people were transported to safe places in Rhodes and for this titanic effort, he thanked the volunteers, the firefighters and the armed forces, all those who helped to free residents and tourists.

He added that we have three difficult days ahead of us then – as he said – it is estimated that we will have a de-escalation with the heat.

“We are at war. We will rebuild what we lost, we will compensate those who were hit,” he stressed in the shadow of the devastating fires.

The prime minister also emphasized that 112 is valuable, noting that it has saved the lives of thousands of people. “Our first concern must be the protection of human life,” he said.

What he said about the bill

Then Kyriakos Mitsotakis referred to the bill regarding the vote of emigrants. He spoke of a deep modernization initiative saying, among other things, that the regulation expands the list of voters compared to the previous elections. As he pointed out, expatriates who are registered in the electoral rolls will be able to vote from their place of residence.

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