Dancing a zeibekiko dance at the wrong time, an admission of the mistake with a public “apology”, which did not seem to be enough to avoid the rupture, and express-soundings for… a change in who the party will back, which yesterday finalized the new “chosen” of New Democracy is a brief round-up the developments of the last three days surrounding the crisis managed by the government for the region of Attica. The party’s support for Giorgos Patoulis has been lifted just two weeks after its announcement, as expected to be called today and sealed tomorrow in a personal meeting between Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Nikos Hardalias, who will finally run under the “blue” banner in the electoral battle of the largest region .
It must be noted that in Greek local elections, parties do not participate per se but may render support for specific candidates. In certain cases, more than one party may support a specific candidate and faction for the posts of mayor, or regional governor.
The finalization of the candidacy of the Deputy Minister of Defense was locked in yesterday’s meeting with the prime minister’s confidants – Stavros Papastavrou and Yiannis Bratakos – while he also spoke by phone with Mitsotakis. From Sunday afternoon, a debate opened about the way the governing party will publicly reveal its decisions: Through a first notification through today’s briefing by Pavlos Marinakis and then the announcement? With a direct announcement from the party? With statements on Tuesday after the prime minister returns from Nicosia and also from Mytilini, where he will be for another… local lection support issue and specifically to promote the candidacy of Alkviadis Stefanis in the Northern Aegean?
In any event, the intentions have become clear, no one considers that there will be a last-minute backtracking, and the staffs of government and party do not want the matter to drag on any longer. After all, there is the fear that the already difficult climate of embarrassment (to say the least) in areas now ruled by New Democracy supported elected officials will be further aggravated.
There are already conflicting “voices” and vibrations in the New Democracy ecosystem, given the concern of a sudden intra-party war with unknown side effects on the horizon of the October 8 showdown. It is not at all certain that the processes for Attica to follow the case of the Peloponnese will lead anywhere, and indeed in such a narrow time frame. In other words, the current regional governor should retire to facilitate the new candidacy, as had happened a few years ago under the Samaras government.
“He recognized the mistake, he has advanced his own efforts for the electoral battle, he has unquestionably accepted his work and himself recognition as well as his own strength to continue the race” said party members – of that side who consider that the break with Giorgos Patoulis could have been avoided.
The reality is that Giorgos Patoulis does have his own mechanism but also guaranteed support from executives who belong to his electoral faction and who for the time being do not seem to be changing sides. Besides, the information says that this image was formed after phone calls but also in an extraordinary meeting organized with the aim of claiming a second term.
The issue hasn’t closed
With the official announcements of New Democracy but also with the formulation of the official position of Patoulis, the matter is not closed for the faction, as it will be forced in any case to effectively manage the Hardalia candidacy: a new campaign, forming a strong ballot, dealing with internal difficulties that will arise if the Deputy Minister of Defense finds himself against the candidacy of Patoulis, etc.
However, Hardalias is preparing to run the necessary procedures, having canceled yesterday’s inspection program of security measures and fire safety in army units in order to be in Athens, but also postponing his corresponding visits today to Petsali in Ioannina, Araxos and Andravida.
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