Greece’s fire brigade has received more than 1,500 calls for assistance since yesterday morning, as a particularly intense storm front, dubbed “Daniel”, swept through the east Mediterranean country over the past 24 hours.

The central part of the mainland, especially the greater Volos area in Magnesia prefecture, has fared the worst, with torrential rains exceeding 600mm in some places – more than the annual rainfall. Additionally, the front is accompanied by thousands of lightning strikes.

One millimeter of rain corresponds to a liter of water on a surface of one square meter, or one metric ton per 1,000 meters.

Two verified weather-related fatalities have been reported, while people remain missing, believed to have been swept up in serious flooding, whereas roughly 350 rescues were recorded.

Several stretches of national highways in the central and north-central part of the country have been closed off, while rail services in the same region were suspended.

The inclement weather is expected to continue until Thursday.

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