A powerful club, unknown to many, has been formed by the largest electricity groups of the West.
Something like the G20, the electricity industry federations of the US, Europe, Canada, Japan and Australia organize the International Electricity Summit every year. About 30 top executives from the five confederations – which could also be called the “G30” – gathered in Washington on October 3 and 4.
The “G30”
The IES was hosted by the Edison Electric Institute, the association of US electric utilities. Eurelectric, the European electricity companies, the Japanese Federation of Energy Companies (FEPC), the corresponding association of Canadian companies (Electricity Canada) and from Australia the Australian Energy Council and Energy Networks Australia.
The G30 discussed the issues of energy transition, the necessity of developing strong and smart electricity transmission networks, energy security issues and issues of access to energy at affordable prices.
PPC and Stassis
Among the powerful club of the major energy groups of the Western world, Greece was found for the first time. And more specifically, PPC with the participation of the managing director Mr. Giorgos Stassis, who is also the vice president of Eurelectric. The promotion of Mr. Stassi months ago to the administrative pyramid of the European utility companies in energy and his participation in such meetings is a first class opportunity for the promotion of the country and PPC itself as investment destinations.
Among the major Western energy groups that gathered out of the limelight, although at the heart of the biggest center of US and world political developments, Germany’s E.ON was one of the leading European companies in the sector with 48 million customers and a regulated asset base of 36 billion. euros, the also German Uniper with international activity in 40 countries, management of gas infrastructures with a capacity of 7 billion. of cubic meters, the Norwegian hydropower and RES company Statcraft with 5,700 employees and a presence in 21 countries, the American Exelon Corporation with 10 million customers in New Jersey, Maryland, Illinois, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Columbia, Avangrid with an asset base of 40 billion. dollars and activity in 24 states, the Japanese J-POWER and TEPCO, Electricity Canada and so on
Green transition and networks
The executives of the five major power companies, according to available information, agreed to intensify their efforts to transition to green energy, accelerate investment and remove administrative obstacles in electricity transmission networks, as well as promote proposals for supply chain issues in the electricity industry.
The 30 heads of the largest electricity and grid companies gathered on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the International Electricity Summit and, according to sources, they seek to take more substantial steps to formulate common positions on electrification and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
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