According to the Greek Ministry of Labor, there are no plans to raise the general retirement age limits before 2027, in accordance with insurance legislation tied to life expectancy.

Greece currently holds the unfortunate distinction of having the highest general pension age limits among all EU countries, based on official data from the Hellenic Pension Insurance Organization “Ilios” (January 2024). The majority of retirees are over 60 years old, with a significant portion over 65 years old, while only a small percentage are under 55.

Since January 2023, early retirements have been abolished except for specific cases, and the “expectancy clause” for adjusting retirement age limits has been in effect since January 2022.

However, as of January 2024, age limits will be reviewed every three years based on life expectancy, with recent years showing fluctuations due to factors like the pandemic. Ministry of Labor officials refute any possibility of retirement age limits increasing any further at least not before the end of 2027.

Meanwhile, both the OECD and Eurostat foresee future increases in the general retirement age limits in Greece due to the pressure exerted by demographics and population aging.


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