It is no surprise that accommodation in several Greek Easter destinations is experiencing 90% occupancy rates, while a local saying encourages Greeks to, traditionally, celebrate Easter in small villages outside urban centers. However, the current accommodation prices especially in the country’s most famous Easter-destinations do raise some eyebrows.
Hydra island, well-connected to Athens and nestled in the scenic Saronic archipelago, leads the way anticipating a 97% occupancy, especially during the Easter weekend May 3-5, marking the peak of Easter celebrations. It is worth mentioning that prices for short-term rental properties in Hydra during the aforementioned period start from €1.055 per night.
For the rest of the Saronic islands (Aegina, Spetses, Poros, Agistri, Salamina etc.), high demand is observed, with prices starting at €50 and possibly exceeding €300 for a one-night stay.
Moving to Corfu island, renowned for its longstanding festive traditions and popularity as an Easter destination, the occupancy rate stands at 90% accompanied by short-term lease property prices starting at €780 per night.
Regarding the picturesque Cycladic island of Tinos, accommodation bookings soar for the festive period of Easter, May 3-6, presenting an 85% occupancy rate, which, according to local tourism professionals is attributed to the island’s unique and lively Easter traditions. Prices for short-term lease properties begin at €305 per night, during the Easter weekend, while a family of four can book accommodation in the island’s hotels for the same price.
Regarding the picturesque Cycladic island of Tinos, accommodation bookings soar for the festive period of Easter, May 3-6, presenting an 85% occupancy rate, which, according to local tourism professionals is attributed to the island’s unique and lively Easter traditions. Prices for short-term lease properties begin at €305 per night, during the Easter weekend, while a family of four can book accommodation in the island’s hotels for the same price.
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