In April, Greece witnessed a notable upswing in the importation of fruits and vegetables, marking a significant surge of 50.2%. The total import volume reached an impressive 88,851 tons, a stark contrast to the 59,156 tons recorded in April of the preceding year, 2023.

According to INCOFRUIT-HELLAS, the Association of Greek Fruit, Vegetable, and Juice Exporting Companies, the most notable increase was in potato imports, soaring to 44,590 tons (+102.5%) from 22,018 tons in April 2023.

Significant rises were also seen in apple imports, up by 344% to, tomatoes by 89.9%, and oranges reaching 413 tons compared to 125 tons in April of the previous year.

George Polychronakis, the Special Advisor of the Association, highlighted to the Athens-Macedonian News Agency that the importation of fresh fruits and vegetables signals continuous expansion in foreign competition within Greece and other EU markets. He noted the remarkable importation of domestically produced fresh produce, capable of satisfying local demand with surplus for export, achieving record highs both in quantity and value over time.

Polychronakis stressed the importance of ensuring that all fruits entering Greece from third countries meet the same quality standards as EU producers. He advocated for similar rigorous inspections on exported fruit and vegetable products to safeguard their reputation, thereby contributing to further growth in exports.


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