In the latest findings from Protio’s apartment investment data, Amerikis Square emerges as the standout performer in real estate for the first quarter of 2024, boasting a 6.9% yield. Following closely behind is the vicinity surrounding the National Technical University of Athens, which secures a 6.6% yield, showcasing promising potential for investors.
Examination of income property statistics in Attica for January to March pinpoints the regions offering the greatest investment potential based on property performance.
In the first quarter of 2024, Korydallos in the Piraeus region and the burgeoning Attiki Square retain their top spots with impressive yields of 6.3%.
Meanwhile, Egaleo (Aigaleo) in the western part of the Athens urban area and the central Victoria Square area stand out with yields of 6.1% and 6%, respectively, thanks to ongoing expansion in Athens’ center. These figures position these areas as prime investment options.
Peristeri, similarly situated in the western parts of Athens, maintains its allure with a 6% yield, remaining one of Attica’s most appealing income property investments.
In the more central suburbs of the broader Athens region, Zografou emerges as a new contender with a 5.8% yield, driven by a notable rise in rental prices. Perissos holds steady at 5.7%, with further development expected alongside the new metro.
Beyond Athens’ core and its surroundings, the Northern Suburbs see a newcomer. Ekali debuts with a dynamic 5.8% yield, reflecting rising rental rates and highlighting the investment potential in Attica’s northern suburbs.
Antonios Fiorakis, CEO of Protio, commented: “We observe that for the first quarter of 2024, the real estate market in the Attica region continues to offer consistently good yields and new opportunities.”
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