A comfortable lead for ruling New Democracy (ND) party over its rivals – ahead of Sunday’s European Parliament (EP) election – was again confirmed on Friday with the results of the latest Metron Analysis poll, which was presented on Mega Channel.

Specifically, center-right ND is calculated at 32% of respondents’ preferences, ostensibly a “double score” over its nearest rival, leftist SYRIZA, which is given 15.5%. Socialist PASOK follows in third place with 12%.

In single-digit “territory” but easily above the 3% threshold (required in the general vote and of valid ballots) needed for representation in the European Parliament is the right-wing and euro-sceptic Elliniki Lysi (Greek Solution) with 8.5, followed by the Communist Party (KKE) with 7.5%. Lesser parties given above 3% are the religiously oriented and nationalist Niki Party (4.5%), and the left-wing and anti-austerity Course of Freedom (Plefsi Eleftherias) party at 4.5%.

Another three parties are deemed as on the cusp of exceeding 3%.

In terms of political leaders’ popularity, incumbent premier Mitsotakis is again first, edging the communist party’s general secretary Dimitris Koutsoubas by 39% to 38% for the latter.

Source: tovima.com

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