Greece made history in 2023 by securing the ninth spot among the top ten countries worldwide, marking its first appearance at this level, as reported by the World Tourism Barometer of the World Tourism Organization.

In 2019, Greece held the 13th position with 31.3 million tourists, trailing Japan in 12th place with 31.9 million tourists. By 2023, Greece’s tourism sector flourished with 32.7 million arrivals, elevating it to the ninth position globally.

The top eight countries in the global ranking for 2023 include France, Spain, the United States, Italy, Turkey, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and Germany. Notably, the United Arab Emirates climbed from the 19th spot in 2019 to 12th in 2023, and Saudi Arabia rose from 25th to 14th over the span of four years.

Meanwhile, during the first half of 2024, European tourism mirrored global trends with a notable upswing. According to the “EUROPEAN TOURISM: TRENDS & PROSPECTS, Q2/2024” report by the European Travel Commission, international travel to Europe surged by 12% compared to the previous year.

Greece stood out among the top countries with the most substantial increases in arrivals, comparing favorably with both the corresponding period of 2023 and 2019.

In the same comparison to 2023, Greece ranked third in the growth of international tourist arrivals, achieving a robust 24.4% increase. Malta led with a remarkable 31.3% rise, followed closely by Norway at 28%.

Furthermore, Greece is positioned among the leaders in increased inbound tourist spending since the start of 2024, currently holding the second position with a notable 25% growth. Spain leads this category with a 25% increase, followed by Italy with 20% and France with 16%.


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