The Greek Interior Ministry announced this week that it would be teaming up with Google to offer employees in the public sector training in AI (artificial intelligence).

The first training round includes three workshops led by Google trainers and covering topics such as using AI to boost productivity and solve problems as well as leadership in the digital era.

According to the ministry, 500 civil servants have already begun AI training.

The goal of the program is to familiarize public sector employees with the capabilities of artificial intelligence and improve their skills.

The initiative dubbed “Al for All” will be expanded to all public sector services in September.

The project, to be carried out in collaboration with the ministry, Google, and the National School of Public Administration and Local Government, is part of Google’s “AI Skilling Initiative in Greece” announced during the 9th Delphi Economic Forum as part of government efforts to accelerate Greece’s digital transition.

Deputy Interior Minister Vivi Charalampogianni said enhancing productivity at state services was a top government priority and that training public sector employees with AI skills will help reduce red tape and channel the labor force into more productive activities.


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