As the country experiences months of prolonged drought, EYDAP (Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company) is on high alert, exploring various scenarios to address water supply issues in Athens.
Public statements from Petros Varelidis, Secretary General for Natural Environment and Waters in the Ministry of Environment and Energy during last August, indicated that the existing water reservoirs should be sufficient for four years.
A Possible Scenario
According to EYDAP officials speaking to the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (AMNA), the fastest and most cost-effective solution involves transferring water from two tributaries of the Achelous River, which flow into Kremasta Lake, to the Mornos catchment—one of Athens’ main water suppliers. This initial scenario is a relatively straightforward project that will require the excavation of tunnels for the pipeline, similar to past operations that transferred water from the Evinos Dam to the Mornos catchment.
The project could yield results and strengthen the network in less than three years, provided there are no legal challenges from the Council of State for environmental or other reasons that could delay progress.
EYDAP officials have stated that all possible solutions are being considered to definitively resolve the water supply issues in the capital; however, final decisions will be made by the competent Ministry of Environment and the Government.
Desalination Projects
Simultaneously, discussions are underway with major electricity producers, including the Public Power Corporation (PPC), the Mytilineos Group, and others, regarding the construction and operation of three or four desalination units. This is particularly important as desalination requires significant electricity consumption.
One desalination unit, pending negotiations with PPC, could be located in the Lavrio area, while the other two or three could be situated along the Gulf of Corinth and along the water transfer pipeline from the Mornos River to Athens.
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