In an attempt to boost entrepreneurship in Greece with a focus on women and less privileged groups the government is introducing a new initiative targeting unemployed individuals aged 30-59 years old.

More specifically, a new program has been signed by the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Niki Kerameus, and will be implemented by the Greek Public Employment Service (DYPA).

The program aims to promote entrepreneurship through the creation of new small and medium-sized businesses including 5,880 unemployed individuals aged 30-59, placing emphasis on unemployed women.

The initiative is co-financed by the Greek government and the European Social Fund+ under the “Human Resources and Social Cohesion” Program for 2021-2027. The total co-financed public expenditure amounts to 100,000,000 euros.

The financial support for new businesses and beneficiaries is set at 17,000 euros and is paid in three instalments.

The first instalment amounting to 4,600 euros is provided to eligible citizens after their business activity commences.

The second instalment amounts to 6,200 euros and is granted following a verification that the business has been active for six months.

Finally, the third instalment of 6,200 euros is paid after the business can verify being operational for a second six-month period.

The funding application (investment proposal) is submitted electronically through the Integrated State Aid Information System of the Ministry of National Economy and Finance.

Regarding this new initiative the minister Kerameus affirmed her ministry’s will to further boost employment among specific population groups that “have room for improvement”, such as women.

Kerameus noted “The new entrepreneurship support program, which aims to assist unemployed individuals aged 30-59, moves in this direction as it focuses on women, enabling them to create their own businesses and overcome the barriers they often face in the entrepreneurial sector and access to the labor market.”


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